Dutch Saloon boat Sally at VMG

The famous Dutch saloon boat Sally has made her entrance at VMG Yachtbuilders. The Netherlands have a rich history of saloon boats, which were the traditional means of transportation for the wealthier citizens in the beginning of the 20th century. Sally was built in 1910 and she is one of the few saloon boats that have survived since then.
The secret to her long life is the right attention at the right moment by the right traditional boat lovers. Eight years ago her former owner asked specialist naval architect Olivier van Meer to conduct a first technical ‘survival’ refit. She was saved. Her new and present owner again asked Olivier van Meer and now with the task to bring ‘Sally’ to the highest possible quality level that this rare traditional heritage deserves.
Olivier insisted that he wanted to fulfill this task only with VMG Yachtbuilders, for reasons of VMG’s high quality craftsmen with whom Olivier has worked with for many years on his special projects. Working with VMG also enables to monitor the project as frequently as necessary.
Obviously, we at VMG are very proud with this choice.
What we are going to do?
We will redo all the details of the boat again, making sure they will be at the highest level possible. On the exterior, we will paint all the bilges, the hull and the deck. All varnish work will be renewed, caulking will be redone. Sally is going to have insulated glass in the saloon, for which we will make new teak frames.
We will clean all the brass items that highlight Sally’s distinctive look and replace many of them. Two new sun awnings will be created, for the steering position and the aft deck. The interior will have an upgrade, by having the complete varnish work redone. On top of that, we will be cleaning up every single detail of the boat and replace what is necessary. We will check, repair, replace and paint all doors, cabinets and drawers.
These are just some first items, many more details will follow. We will inform you with the full list and photos ‘before’ and ‘after’ when she will be launched again after 113 years.
Overall, we will prepare Sally for many years to come, to be in the best condition that she can be in. We are happy to have her on board!